photo by Sergey Uryadnikov/

Russia Crate

In this Atlas Crate, you can build an onion domes box, play gorodki, and explore Russia!

Illustration of Anya the Cricket and Milo the Sandpiper holding travel luggage

"Russia is the largest country in the world — and almost half of it is covered in forests! Who wood've guessed?"


  • The Game of Gorodki
  • Designing Onion Domes
  • Ballet

Practice ballet to Tchaikovsky's music!

Illustration of Anya the Cricket and Milo the Sandpiper dancing

Fun Facts

  1. photo by fibPhoto/

      Animals: Baikal Seals

    1. Meet the Baikal seal. This small-but-sturdy critter can be found only in Lake Baikal, the world's largest, deepest, and oldest freshwater lake. Every winter when the lake freezes over, these clever little critters use their claws to dig breathing holes in the ice — a nifty trick that gets our seal of approval.
  2. photo by FOTOGRIN/

      Festivals: Scarlet Sails

    1. In St. Petersburg, school graduations are a time for waterworks — and we don't mean just the tears of proud parents. Every year, graduates are celebrated with the Scarlet Sails Festival — complete with music, fireworks, and a choreographed multimedia show on the Neva River starring a ship with bright red sails!
  3. photo by siete_vidas/

      Awesomeness: Dancing Forest

    1. Deep within a forest in Kaliningrad, dozens of trees have grown squiggly, loopy trunks that make them look like they're dancing. No one's sure why. Some believe the trees were damaged by caterpillars. Others think it's the result of strong winds, or unstable dune sands. One thing's for certain — these trees sure know how to do the twist.

Cool books

Cover art of the book The Tale of the Firebird

The Tale of the Firebird

written and illustrated by Gennady Spirin

The glowing firebird is a classic figure in Russian folklore. This version of the story is adapted from three Russian fairy tales: "Ivan-Tsarevitch and Gray Wolf," "Baba Yaga," and "Koshchei the Immortal." Russian-born author Genaddy Spirin illustrates his story with richly detailed paintings that weave an enchanting spell.

Get the book ➜